Projects in the design and construction phase are located on our Capital Improvement Project Department pages.
To gain access to valuable information for obtaining bids, specifications, state-of-the-art advancements, product improvements, as well as resolving issues with delivery, billing, and payment, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment to visit our office for a discussion.
The City of Prescott is currently accepting submittals for the solicitations listed below.
It is required that all prospective bidders carefully read and thoroughly comprehend the Notice Inviting Bids/Requests for Statements of Qualification/Request for Proposal, and comply with all instructions mentioned therein. It is the prospective bidders responsibility to periodically check the webpage for any addenda issued prior to the due date. Late bids will not be accepted.
Contact information varies for each project and can be found within the individual solicitation documents.
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting Information:
The following bids are closed and in review. Bid tabs may be obtained after the award of a contract by submitting a Public Records Request.
The following bids have been awarded to the successful vendor listed for each bid. Bid tabs may be obtained after the award of a contract by submitting a Public Records Request.
Addendum 1: Centralization - AWRF Solids Handling Facility
2023 Water and Wastewater Models
AWRF Expansion Phase 1 - Final Design Report
AWRF Expansion Phase 1 - Geotechnical Evaluation
AWRF Expansion Phase 1 - NACOG-ADEQ Response
AWRF Expansion Phase 1 - Roadmap to Centralization
AWRF Expansion Phase 1 - Roadmap to Centralization Report
The City of Prescott utilizes both formal solicitation methods (Request for Proposal (RFP), Notice Inviting Bid (NIB), Request for Statements of Qualifications (RSOQ), and informal (requests for quote).
Formal solicitations are for purchases in excess of $50,000 and require – RFPs, NIBs and RSOQs – require:
Informal requests for quotation must be written. All informal quotations are made on a competitive basis by securing quotes from at least three (3) vendors whenever possible.
The City of Prescott contracts for several types of purchases – a one time contract (purchase order), a blanket contract or a term contract. Depending on the dollar amount of the purchase, the formal sealed solicitation method or informal quotation method is used.
When the City purchases by formal solicitation, a Notice is published in the legal notices section of the “official” newspaper of the City The Daily Courier and posted on the City’s Purchasing Bids section. When a wider distribution is deemed necessary for any type of solicitation, additional publications may be used to circulate the required information.
The City does not maintain bidders’ lists nor do we prequalify vendors. All vendors are welcome to submit their contact information and commodity cards or brochures to the Finance Department for our vendor files. To ensure maximum participation, vendors should regularly check for posted notices and official advertisements in the Purchasing section under Bid Listings.
All formal solicitations shall be submitted as specified in the “Notice Inviting Bid”, “Request for Proposal” or “Request for Statement of Qualifications”.
They must be received and time stamped by the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall before the date and time stated for the opening of the bid/proposal. Bids and proposals received after the designated time will be returned unopened and will not be considered.
Sealed envelopes containing bids or proposals must state clearly on the outside the vendor’s name and address, the bid/proposal number, name of the bid/proposal and the date the bid/proposal will open.
Unless otherwise stated on the Notice page, all formal bids, proposals and statements of qualification are opened publicly in the Prescott City Council Chambers located at 201 N. Montezuma Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 on the date and at the time shown in the Notice.
The City Clerk (or designated representative) shall read the names of bidders/proposers and prices relating to the bid/proposal as necessary/required.
No decisions of award or rejections are made during the bid/proposal opening. No discussions relating to the bids or proposals are entered into during the opening.
Construction contracts for City projects are generally competitively bid through the Notice Inviting Bid (NIB) process and are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Based upon Alternative Delivery Method legislation, applicable City projects may also be competitively solicited through the Request for Statements of Qualification (RSOQ) process and awarded to the most qualified bidder.
All formal bids are tabulated and posted on the Purchasing website. Bid results are not given out over the telephone. Tabulations for proposals only consist of a listing of proposals received.
Bids and proposals are public information, except where proprietary information is contained and therefore may be inspected AFTER the award by completing a Public Records Request form. For bids, the award is made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. For proposals, the award is made to the offeror whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the City based upon the evaluation criteria. Prior to formal award, neither bids nor proposals are available for public inspection. After an award has been made by the Council, a contract and/or purchase order is issued to the successful bidder/offeror.
To view or request access to public records, click here
The City of Prescott reserves the right to reject any or all bids, proposals or statements of qualification and to waive any informality in any bid/proposal/statement.
The City of Prescott will allow for the correction or withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before bid opening. After bid opening, corrections or withdrawals shall only be permitted to the extent that the bidder can show, by clear and convincing evidence, that a mistake of a non judgmental character was made.
Sales made to the City of Prescott are subject to transaction privilege and use tax (sales tax) and must be noted on the bid form as a separate line item of the bid price. In some specific situations retail sales may be exempt to the City and the City Finance Department will execute exemption certificates. For retail sales by out of state vendors who do not have nexus in Arizona (see Arizona Department of Revenue’s Brochure on Nexus), the City will self-assess use tax.”
All purchases are made F.O.B. destination, unless otherwise specified. The City’s title to goods occurs upon satisfactory delivery and acceptance at the delivery point shown on the purchase order. Shipping charges, if applicable, must be included in the unit price of the items bid.
All shipments to the City of Prescott must be made to the locations designated on the purchase order. Deliveries may be required to be made to different departments and divisions located in various parts of the City. The purchase order number must appear on the shipping or delivery ticket. Failure to meet specified delivery schedules may result in cancellation of the order. At a minimum, such delinquency will be noted in the vendor file.
Vendors should always state, on the bid form, the number of calendar days required before delivery of a product can be made, or they should indicate the specific date upon which delivery will be made. The time required for delivery may be one of the most important considerations in determining who shall be awarded the bid.
Successful bidders will be expected to deliver the materials and/or services they are providing within the specified time. If delivery dates cannot be met, the requesting department must be notified immediately. The requesting department will decide, after notification of late delivery, what action should be taken.
Vendors are advised that the City of Prescott requires proper labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on all products covered by the Hazard Communication Act – 29 CFR 1910.1200. It is the vendor’s responsibility to determine which products are covered by the Act and to provide MSDS with the initial shipment. It is also the vendor’s responsibility to provide any updates or revisions of MSDS as they may become available for any products sold and delivered to the City of Prescott.
A delivery normally must be made in the exact quantity called for on the purchase order. Partial deliveries, however, are required and accepted in some instances. The City will make payment on partial deliveries when (1) a contract for the supply of goods, commodities, or contractual services extends over a period of months, (2) authorization for payment is made by the requesting department.
In the case of any partial delivery, the packing list, bill of lading and invoice must indicate the quantity being delivered and not the quantity ordered by the City.
Any actual or prospective bidder may protest a solicitation, proposed award or the award of a contract. The protest must be submitted to the responsible department in writing and must include the name, address and telephone number of the protestant; signature of the protestant; identification of the solicitation or contract number; a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest, including copies of relevant documents; and the form of relief being requested.
The City Manager has the sole authority to debar and suspend a person from participating in City procurements. Information regarding debarment and suspension is available in the City of Prescott Procurement Code.
The City of Prescott currently utilizes the methods of disposal per the City Code. On some occasions, the City may utilize a formal Invitation for Bid to dispose of surplus items. This type of auction is publicly noticed in a newspaper of general circulation (Daily Courier).
Not finding what you're looking for or have questions? We are happy to help, please reach out.
Citizens often have questions regarding City procedures. If you have a question or comment regarding City services, policies, or procedures, or would like to request a meeting with a City representative, please complete the Citizen Inquiry Form.