The City of Prescott is seeking public comment on the draft 2025 General Plan document. The required public comment period lasts 60 days, beginning September 23 and ending November 21. An 11-member City-appointed committee has been working to update the Prescott General Plan over the last 2 years. The City will host two public Open Houses where staff and committee members will answer questions about the plan.
- September 30, 2024, 3-6 pm at the Rowle Simmons Adult Center, 1280 E. Rosser Street.
- October 24, 2024, – 3-6 pm at the Prescott Public Library Founder’s Room, 215 E. Goodwin Street.
A General Plan is a policy guide and provides a vision of what the City will become in 10 years. The General Plan ties together community assets as it relates to land use, transportation, and natural resources. Community input is key in determining what topics are emphasized and how they will build the framework to implement the community vision.
A Virtual Meeting Room has been created for the public to visit and provide comments. Access to the meeting room is on the website under “60-Day Public Comment Period.” On this site, citizens will be able to see information about each chapter and provide comments on the plan. For more information about the 2025 Prescott General Plan, go to Questions to