The City of Prescott Preservation Commission will have a regular meeting on Friday, June 14 at 9 am at 201 N. Montezuma Street, Third Floor Council Chambers, to review the plans for The Assembly at Old City Hall project. The proposed redevelopment project has spaces for retail and two restaurants on the main level with upper levels consisting of a hotel with 109 guestrooms and conference/meeting space.
The Commission reviewed this project in a study session on May 10. No action was taken at that time, but public comment was received, as well as some direction from Commission members. June 14 will be a voting session, where the Commission may decide whether to approve or deny the project.
Citizens and members of the public are welcome to attend this and all public meetings in person. All meetings can be viewed on the City’s Facebook page and Youtube Channel, and on the Public Access Channel through SparkLight. Citizens can learn more about the project and comment by going to