Wastewater Operations is responsible for collecting and treating wastewater for the City of Prescott.
Wastewater Collection is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s sanitary sewer collection system. The collection system includes approximately 400 miles of sewer pipes, 9,161 manholes and 65 lift stations. System maintenance includes cleaning, mainline repairs, manhole rehabilitation, pump replacement/repairs and response to customer service requests.
The City’s Wastewater Collection System (Public Sewer) is designed to convey the wastewater that is discharged from residential and commercial customers private sewer service lateral pipes to the the Sundog or Airport Water Reclamation Facilities. Sewer customers are responsible for maintaining their own sewer service lateral from the private property to the municipal sewer system.
Wastewater collected by the City sewer system flows to the Wastewater Treatment Plants, where it undergoes a multi-faceted biological process to separate out the solids and treat the water for reuse and recharge. The treated water, called effluent, is sold for use in watering golf courses and construction to reduce potable water demand. The settled solids are dewatered and then hauled off to the landfill.
The main objective of this EPA / ADEQ mandated program is to protect each of the following: the wastewater collection system, wastewater treatment facilities, surface waters and aquifer, which receives recharge from the City of Prescott (COP) facilities. These goals will be achieved by permitting, monitoring, and sampling discharge from industrial users, in conjunction with educating industrial, commercial, and residential users about substances that are harmful to the wastewater system and its processes. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) issued approval for the City of Prescott Pretreatment Program on October 1, 2013.
The City has two Wastewater Treatment Plants, the Sundog Wastewater Treatment Plant and Airport Water Reclamation Facility.
Approximately 400 miles of sewer pipes are maintained and cleaned by the Wastewater Collections team.
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