Solid Waste crews were out collecting garbage only for Wednesday and Thursday routes. Due to the worsening road conditions, the Solid Waste Division has now suspended collection for the safety of our drivers. Additionally, the Transfer Station will be closing at 11am as well.
For now, the Solid Waste Division is planning on collecting Garbage Only the remainder of the week with the following schedule:
Wednesday and Thursday routes that were not collected today will be collect Friday February 9th. Friday routes will be collected on Saturday February 10th.
Please have your container curbside by 6:00 A.M.
Areas that pose a threat or danger to our vehicles or staff will not be collected until their next scheduled service day.
The Solid Waste Division will continue to monitor road conditions throughout the day and provide any updates as necessary.
Solid Waste Division will resume recycling collection next week as regularly scheduled.
Additional updates or changes will be posted on the website and on the City of Prescott Facebook and Instagram.