The City has announced procedures and recommendations for citizens, in light of expected increased attendance for the Prescott City Council Voting at 3 p.m.
Here are some important facts for citizens planning to attend today’s City Council Meeting.
- The legal fire capacity of Council Chambers is 165. The Fire Marshall will be attending to make sure capacity restrictions are met. The hallways outside of the Council Chambers do not have television monitors, and citizens will be required to keep the aisle clear for safety.
- The Prescott Police Department training room will be available for citizens who want to monitor the meeting remotely. No public comments will be taken from the remote location.
- Parking for the meeting will likely overflow the City parking lot. Public on-street parking is available on Cortez and Willis in the vicinity of City Hall.
- For those who want to monitor the meeting remotely, there are several options to do so: City Facebook Page, City YouTube Channel, and Community Public Access Channel online.
- For the audience inside the Council Chambers, public comment cards will be made available. All public comments are limited to three (3) minutes.
As always, citizens and Council audience members will be expected to maintain decorum and civility during their comments and the comments of others.