Access essential case information. Find resources to check the status and details of cases within our city.
Wondering about your court date? Easily check your upcoming court appearance date and related details here.
Supporting victims in our community isn't just part of the job, it's the right thing to do! Find resources and assistance for those affected by crime and adversity.
Seeking alternatives to traditional justice? You may be eligible for the Diversion Program. Check with your attorney or the prosecutor to see if you and your case meet the criteria. The Diversion Program is designed to provide rehabilitation and support for individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
Learn about the city's claims administration system, including how to file a claim, eligibility criteria, and the support available to you during this process.
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Citizens often have questions regarding City procedures. If you have a question or comment regarding City services, policies, or procedures, or would like to request a meeting with a City representative, please complete the Citizen Inquiry Form.