In an effort to improve wildlife habitat, reduce wildfire fuel loads, and reduce negative watershed impacts, the City of Prescott’s Forestry Crew will be engaged in the removal of several invasive tree species from the Willow Lake area. This project is being funded through a grant from the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management as Willow Lake has been identified in the AZ-Wrap analysis as an “extreme high risk”.
This 164-acre treatment project will involve the removal of Salt Cedar (Tamarisk), Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus), and Siberian Elm (Ulmus). Trees will be removed by hand thinning, chipping, and hauling. No herbicide will be used in this project due to potential watershed exposure. Project work will only be permitted in the months of November through the end of February to reduce the impacts on breeding bird populations.
For the safety of both the working crew and recreational users, please avoid the Forestry Crew’s work areas. The Willow Lake Preserve’s Trails will remain largely open for the duration of work. Warning signage will be in place in areas where the crew is operating. Additional information regarding the project will be available on trail bulletin boards. Questions regarding the project can be directed to Conrad Jackson, Wildfire Risk Manager, at 928-777-1700 ext. 7065.