Initially the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizens Advisory Committee was Mayor appointed, on December 13, 2011 via the adoption of Resolution No. 4113-1223 terms of two years by appointment from the City Council in March of even-numbered years the Committee was re-established. The appointed seven members of the Committee have a primary function of implementing the citizen participation plan to enhance the Community Participation effort. The Committee is the “public sounding board” that supports CDBG program administrative staff in gathering and reviewing information associated with the CDBG Entitlement Program. Action Plan recommendations are presented to Council with recommendations from the committee to approve and fund activities meeting CDBG National Objectives. The Committee meets annually during the CDBG application filing period as needed.
PURSUANT to Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 38-431.01 a Notice of Possible Quorum is hereby given because there may be a quorum of members from Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees attending City Council Meetings and Work Sessions AND/OR there may also be a quorum of City Council members attending Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees; however, no voting will take place.
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Citizens often have questions regarding City procedures. If you have a question or comment regarding City services, policies, or procedures, or would like to request a meeting with a City representative, please complete the Citizen Inquiry Form.