The Pedestrian, Bicycle & Traffic Advisory Committee (PBTAC) was established in November 2017 via Resolution No. 4407-1616 as a standing advisory committee pursuant to Prescott City Code Chapter 1-13 to provide regular input on city plans and projects that will impact pedestrian, bicycle and traffic issues. PBTAC shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by Council. The Committee advises Public Works staff on plans and projects that may impact pedestrian, bicycle and traffic issues by reviewing the list of transportation projects provided to the Committee on an annual basis, develops its own proposals for improving safety, accessibility and connectivity and may identify new funding sources and submit these new proposals to the Public Works staff for review and comment and considers and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters related to traffic and traffic-related safety issues which are brought to the Committee’s attention by members of the public, the City Council or City departments. The Committee meets the second Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
PURSUANT to Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 38-431.01 a Notice of Possible Quorum is hereby given because there may be a quorum of members from Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees attending City Council Meetings and Work Sessions AND/OR there may also be a quorum of City Council members attending Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees; however, no voting will take place.
View all City of Prescott Boards & Commissions overseen and managed by our City Clerk.
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