The Planning and Zoning Commission was established per Prescott City Code Chapter 1-6 on March 12, 1980 through Ordinance Number 2365. The Commission consists of seven (7) members each to be appointed by Council. Members serve to make recommendation to the City Council for adoption, and maintain the General Plan which is a municipal statement of land development policies as well as submit recommendations to the Mayor and Council for the establishment of zoning districts, consideration of preliminary plats, review of proposed annexation into the city and interpret the appropriate zoning district for uses not specifically listed in the Zoning Code. The Commission meets on the second and final Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
PURSUANT to Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 38-431.01 a Notice of Possible Quorum is hereby given because there may be a quorum of members from Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees attending City Council Meetings and Work Sessions AND/OR there may also be a quorum of City Council members attending Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees; however, no voting will take place.
View all City of Prescott Boards & Commissions overseen and managed by our City Clerk.
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