Property owners are responsible for maintaining sidewalks, driveway culverts and street parkways. Weeds can become obstructions on sidewalks, as well as cause deterioration and cracking of concrete, making prevention through removal of weeds an important element of sidewalk preservation.
Section 8-3-1(A) of the Prescott City Code:
All persons owning or occupying any building, grounds or premises within the City are hereby required to remove all dirt, debris, rubbish, garbage, weeds and brush and said persons are also required to remove therefrom all dirt, debris, rubbish, garbage, weeds and brush and maintain all sidewalks, driveway culverts and street parkways adjacent to said building, grounds or premises.
It is also the responsibility of the City of Prescott property owner or occupants to cut or remove grass and weeds in excess of twelve inches (12”) high throughout the property. The goal of City Code section 7-5-4© is to reduce blight as well as insect and rodent infestation.
Section 7-5-4 of the Prescott City Code:
All exterior property areas shall be kept free from dry vegetation, tumbleweeds, weeds, bushes and tall grass and trees which present a visual blight upon the area, which may harbor insect or rodent infestations, or which is or may likely become a fire hazard or otherwise threaten the health and safety or the economic welfare of adjacent property owners or occupants. It is the responsibility of the owner or occupant to cut or remove grass and weeds in excess of twelve inches (12”) high throughout the property, unless the Community Development Director, in consultation with the Prescott Fire Chief or his designee, determines that it is not practical to do so on some or all the property.
What is the Right-of-Way?
The public right of way includes streets, sidewalks, alleys, some drainage channels, and parkways between the sidewalk and the curb. It typically extends 10-12 feet back from the edge of a street. However, this varies across the City. Right of way is used to provide a path for utilities, such as water and sewer lines or telephone and electric lines, and it may also be used for future sidewalks, bike trails, and street widening.
Who’s responsible for mowing the right of way?
While it’s a property owners’ responsibility to maintain trees and other vegetation, to maintain street visibility etc. you can report to the city dead, limbs, rotting trees etc. that pose a danger to the public or persons.
Why should I care about keeping the Right of Way clear?
Overgrown vegetation is a safety hazard and limits the use of sidewalks, trails, streets and alleys for everyone. It can also be a hazard for people with disabilities. It further threatens public safety when vegetation blocks the view of traffic signs, signals, vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, or limits the sight distance at intersections. Trimming vegetation and caring for your trees are effective ways residents can enhance neighborhood safety and keep Prescott beautiful.
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The City does routinely provide weed abatement to areas that are city maintained. This happens on rotational schedule as needed throughout the year. Storms and other maintenance issues can cause this schedule to be interrupted. If weeds or bushes are blocking the right of way, causing safety issues for drivers or passersby please report the issue or contact us.
The City is responsible and should be notified for:
Fallen trees/debris on private property or alleyways are not City responsibility. You can look for the bulk item pickup options offered by the Trash and Recycling Department or contact County Fire Wise teams.
The City does NOT need homeowner approval to trim or remove trees or limbs when it poses a safety concern, blocks the right of way, interferes with street asphalt, curbing, sidewalk or impacts major utilities when said trees are within the Right of Way.
We suggest you trim trees away from windows and roofs, and thin tree canopies to help prevent limb breakage and uprooting during storms.
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