Residents can help the trash and recycling systems work well by putting the right things in the appropriate carts and keeping the wrong things out.
Dispose latex paint in trash with lid off and dried (e.g., kitty litter). Oil-based paint is hazardous; check the website or call (928) 777-1116 for household hazardous waste pickup events.
Refrigerators and similar appliances require a professional CFC (Freon) removal invoice for disposal. Washers, dryers, stoves, and certain others recycled. Fee: $99/ton, $20 covering up to 400 lbs, $4.95/100 lbs extra. Analog TVs also accepted at same rate.
Prescott residents can dispose of used motor oil and/or antifreeze for free, up to 5 gallons per month per customer at the City of Prescott Transfer Station.
Mattresses aren’t recyclable; dispose of them at the Transfer Station, 2800 Sundog Ranch Rd, for a $20 minimum covering up to 400 lbs.
When buying new tires, arrange for the store to take old ones (small fee may apply). Alternatively, take up to 5 on-road tires to Yavapai County Tire Yard, open Tue-Thur 8am-4pm, at no charge. Call 928-713-6641 for more info.
Dispose A to D alkaline/carbon-zinc batteries in trash; bag and tie them. Recycle rechargeable batteries (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Li-ion, small lead <2lbs) at HHW events or vendors. Batteries + Bulbs recycles various types for a fee. Drill batteries to Lowes/Home Depot. Return car batteries to auto stores for credit or core charge.
Use a medical sharps container or heavy-duty plastic/metal container with a tight lid for disposal. Secure the lid with heavy tape, label “Do Not Recycle,” ensure it’s puncture-proof, non-clear, and out of reach from children and pets. Encapsulate sharps with quick-drying material before disposal in solid waste. Avoid overfilling.
Prescott Police accept prescription pills for free disposal: empty into Ziploc, bring to 222 S. Marina Street, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon-Fri. Alternatively, use CVS’s disposal box near the pharmacy.
Never dispose of grease down the drain; it solidifies and clogs pipes. Cool small amounts, then put in a lidded container (e.g., coffee can) for regular trash. Large amounts of liquid cooking oil can be recycled for free at the Transfer Station in the original container.
Empty pesticides/herbicides by spraying around property perimeters, then dispose of the empty container as regular garbage or recycling. Register for the Household Hazardous Waste event or visit a Hazardous Waste facility for other hazardous materials.
Empty propane canisters and compressed gas tanks can be refilled at suppliers like Yavapai Bottle Gas or recycled at metal recyclers and salvage yards. Transfer Station does not accept these for disposal.
Additional pickup and drop off services offered to residents at no charge.
The list below are statements that aren't true about recycling, open each to find out what is actually true!
✦ All recyclables are sent to the recycling center in Phoenix to be sorted and recycled.
✦ Recycling and garbage are collected on the same day, but in different trucks.
✦ Recycles should be empty, clean, and dry before being placed into recycle container. Just a quick rinse is all you need.
✦ The water used to rinse your recycles is small. Recycling steel creates a 40% water saving and by recycling glass there is a 50% water savings.
✦ Keep all lids on your plastic bottles, jars, and jugs. Anything smaller than 2.5 inches in diameter will fall through the cracks of the machine.
✦ For Glass items, remove lids and place in recycle container.
✦ The recycling center does not focus on the plastic numbers because they can be misleading.
✦ The plastic number tells you what type of plastic they are, not if they are recyclable.
✦ These are not recyclable. The fibers are too short to be recycled.
✦ Plastic grocery bags are not recyclable in recycle container; the plastic gets caught in the sorting machine.
✦ They can be brought to grocery stores for recycling.
✦ Please do not put food in the recycle can.
✦ Food contaminates the recyclables and ruins the material and limits on its recyclability.
✦ Nothing in the recycle container can be bagged.
✦ All items need to be placed loosely in the container.
Please DO NOT bag recycled materials, unless specified below.
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