Currently, all bicycle and pedestrian transport is planned by the Prescott Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Advisory Committee (PBTAC).
The City of Prescott initiated a planning process for bicycle and pedestrian transportation with the Prescott Bicycle Advisory Committee (created in April 1997). The work of this committee before it’s sunsetting resulted in:
Oct 1998 - Publishing of the City of Prescott Bicycle Planning Guide
Oct 2001 – PBAC along with the “Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Task Force”, Drake and Associates and City staff began the process to develop the Prescott Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Oct 2003 – The Plan received City Council approval by way of Resolution Number 3568.
July 2009 – The 2009 Plan Update reviewed improvements, acknowledges missed opportunities and established a current list of recommendations. The Plan addresses three equally important subjects: bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities and education.
Oct 2015 – This more planning oriented Plan was adopted. It provides general direction and goals for promoting alternative modes of transportation.
The City of Prescott has participated in a variety of public transit efforts over the years, such as the Regional Transit needs Study of 2007, the Transit Implementation Plan of 2009, and the Yavapai County Regional Mobility Management Implementation Plan of 2017.
2019 – The City participated in the development of the Central Yavapai Transit Implementation Plan Update (TrIPStudy) as a member of the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO). This study recommended advancing a public demonstration program that would bring public transportation services to the Central Yavapai region.
The recommended regional strategy would operate demand-response (Micro-transit), fixed-route (fixed schedule), and deviated fixe-route (hybrid of the two) transportation modes for a three-year period.
Jan 2021 – Prescott Valley moved forward with this program. Phase two recommends the City of Prescott join the system to expand it into Prescott. Currently these options are being explored.
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