Traffic Calming is an approach to traffic management with the objective of reducing volume and/or speed to levels deemed appropriate, particularly within residential areas. Traffic calming solutions can range from median islands and speed humps to promote lower speeds, to diverters and street closures to restrict traffic movements. The City’s adopted Traffic Calming Policy provides speed and volume thresholds that must be met prior to the consideration of physical measures being installed. These are listed here for reference:
Measure | Criteria | Threshold |
Speed Control | 85th percentile Speed* | 7 mph over posted speed |
Volume Control | 24 HR Traffic Volume | 700 vehicles |
*Speed at which 85% of the vehicles surveyed travel at or below. For a 25mph residential street this requires an 85% speed of 32 mph or above to meet the criteria.
If you feel your neighborhood meets these criteria and would like it considered for traffic calming, contact the Transportation Services Division at (928)777-1130 and describe your concern or traffic problem. Once a written request is received and determined to be consistent with the policies and procedures outlined in the City Council adopted Traffic Calming Policy a traffic investigation will be completed. Results of the investigation will then be presented to the Pedestrian, Bicycle and Traffic Advisory Committee (PBTAC), an advisory committee to the City Council on traffic matters, at one of their monthly meetings.
Cars on my street are going faster than the speed limit, can we install speed humps to get them to go 25mph?
The City’s Traffic Calming Policy has criteria to address roadways with speeds that are considered out of the ordinary and inappropriate. Data has shown that most drivers exceed the speed limit on a roadway by 3-7 mph. The City’s threshold of addressing speeds that are 7 or more over the posted speed limit target these higher speeds. This allows us to focus on the areas that need attention and prioritize limited resources.
Our Division performs citywide and regional transportation planning through City participation in the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO), administering and conducting small area transportation studies, reviewing development traffic impact analysis (TIAs) and plans, facilitating approved bicycle and pedestrian networks, and coordinating transit facilities (bus stop locations and routes).
Sundog Connector Final Report Executive Summary Excerpt
Final-Report SR89A On Ramps ASR
H8739 SR 69 Final Feas Rpt REV Dec 2015
PARA Prescott Sundog Connector Final Report
Prescott Southside Traffic Circulation Report
CYMPO Final RTP - Executive Summary final 04 13 2015
Feasibility Study Great Western Corridor
Final ITS State of the System with appendices 20210518
CYMPO 2006 Regional Transportation Study - Final Report
Regional Strategic Transportation Safety Plan - Burgess & Niple
We perform traffic engineering and field investigations for:
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